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Can You Hire A Tutor For Nontraditional Education?

Can You Hire A Tutor For Nontraditional Education?

At Strike Hope, we’re helping children across the nation pursue a nontraditional education. We provide financial assistance for Chromebooks, tuition, tutoring and teaching, and more. Support our cause and help children nationwide by visiting THIS LINK

Often, hiring a tutor can be frowned upon. Either it’s an additional (and sometimes unwanted) expense or it means that your children’s teachers aren’t doing their job properly. However, hiring a tutor can help enhance your child’s overall experience. 

Doing so can help your child master the basics of difficult subjects and reinforce what they’re being taught. And for the most part, tutors are often seen in traditional education. 

But at Strike Hope, we’re all about nontraditional education. So, that brings up an important question: 

Can You Hire A Tutor For Nontraditional Education? 

In short, yes! Tutoring is not just for those pursuing a traditional education. 

Let’s face it, parents and guardians can be busy. With working full-time or part-time jobs, taking care of multiple children, maintaining their home, and more, they may not have the time to fully devote themselves to educating their child or children without help. 

Some parents may also be transitioning from a traditional education to a nontraditional one and have difficulty with their teaching style because they’re new at it. 

Whatever the reason may be, hiring a tutor for nontraditional education (such as homeschooling, virtual schooling, etc.) is a great idea! 

Benefits of Hiring A Tutor 

There are several benefits for hiring a tutor. 

One of them being that they help provide motivation. When learning at home, it can sometimes be difficult for your child to constantly stay motivated to learn; in fact, it’s expected. Other times, your child may become distracted or stuck. A tutor is experienced to help them work through whatever roadblocks they may have. 

A tutor can also help with administrative work. They can help create a curriculum and a lesson plan, organize materials, as well as provide support and expertise in certain subject areas. This is a great benefit for parents or guardians that are new to nontraditional education and may need a little guidance on the path.  

With great support, it can also come with a big cost. 

While no parent wants to put a price tag on their child’s education, it is important to be aware that these expenses do add up. And families facing financial hardship may have to choose between a tutor for their child or their next few meals. 

However, at Strike Hope, we believe that parents shouldn’t have to choose and should be able to have both. This is why we’re accepting applications for assistance for tutoring as well as Chromebooks, tuition assistance, and more. 

If you’re looking for help and if your family’s income is at or below these national poverty guidelines, and you are engaging in nontraditional learning, you can fill out an application for assistance HERE

If you’re looking to support our cause and donate, check out THIS LINK. Any amount helps!